If your company would like to be a hole sponsor at the 19th Annual Chamber Golf Classic on September 25 at Silver Creek, please call the Chamber and reserve your hole. Hole sponsorships are just $175.00, and each sponsor has the opportunity to man the hole and provide information Golf Classic on their products or services to the 96 golfers playing the course. To be a hole sponsor, please call Dorothea Jolly or Stacey Ripley at the Chamber at 437-3021. We want to express sincere thanks to our players, sponsors and donors for the response to this year’s golf event. The field of players filled up very quickly, hole sponsorships were claimed early and the items donated for the prize packages and raffle will make for an exciting 19th hole at the Silver Creek club house to cap the day.



Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
2020 Burke County Chamber of Commerce | All Rights Reserved