Ambassador Application

Ambassador Application

Interested in joining the Ambassador Program? It is important to understand the reasons an Ambassador is critical to the Chamber.  The Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business and professional people dedicated to the economic well-being of their community.  The Members are the Chamber! As an Ambassador, you represent the Chamber, your business and the community. A Chamber Ambassador serves as the army of “Chamber Champions” and is an imperative extension of the Chamber.  As such, your position is an important one. The organization’s strength lies in the number and diversity of its Ambassadors. With the dedicated support of Ambassadors,  we can accomplish collectively what no one business can do alone. In saying that, we need members who are ready to stand strong and be committed to Growing Business and Building Community!  Please read the Ambassador Program 2021  expectations and evaluate if you can commit to these terms.

Once you have done so, please complete and submit your application below.

Ambassador Application

Ambassadors are Chamber members in good standing who volunteer at events and programs. They have the opportunity to increase their network and leadership skills. They enjoy the rewards of making new contacts, strengthening relationships and accessing a wealth of information and resources.

  • Please list your month and date.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Attach a profile picture.
  • Please list 3 references with contact information.
    Ambassador Mission Statement: To serve as an active volunteer extension of the Burke County Chamber of Commerce to cultivate, promote and maintain a positive relationship between Chamber members and the community. Ambassadors are: Individuals from Burke County Chamber of Commerce member companies. Committee member performance will be reviewed annually to determine their continued enrollment . Time Commitment: One year commitment and have a working knowledge of the Chamber and its mission. Volunteer for a minimum of one Premier Event and attend at least four Celebration Service Events, and at least one Networking event per year. * I will carry out the mission of the Ambassadors and represent the Burke County Chamber of Commerce in a professional manner, including dress. * I will positively promote the Chamber throughout the community whenever possible. * I will be informed about the events, activities, and work of the Burke County Chamber of Commerce in the community and work to engage new members into the offerings of the Chamber. * I will ensure that my company remains in good standing with the Burke County Chamber of Commerce. * I will meet the minimum requirements earned in a given year and realize that failure to do so may result in my dismissal from the Ambassador Program. * I understand that failure to meet the attendance, duty, conduct, or professional expectations of the program may result in my dismissal from the Ambassador Program. * My workplace is aware of my possible involvement as a Ambassador of the Burke County Chamber of Commerce and supports me making the necessary commitment of time.


YOUR Chamber

The Burke County Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to Growing Business and Building Community.

The Chamber has been a trusted resource for local, regional and national businesses and their employees since 1945. We are an independent organization governed exclusively by our local board of directors and not a construct of a national or state organization. Members rely on our full calendar of networking and learning opportunities as well as our assistance in navigating complex issues facing the business community. The Burke County Chamber of Commerce works every day to build a stronger community for businesses and for residents.

Business Investment

Membership in the Burke County Chamber of Commerce is an investment in your business and community.  As a business owner, you play an essential role in Burke County’s success.

Exclusive Perks!

Click Here to experience all the membership benefits your business will gain!

First Step!


Get to know others in your community, develop partnerships, and support other businesses.


When our members grow and expand, so to does the quality of life in Burke County.  We are here to help your business thrive!


Become more aware of community and business issues, help solve problems, and get support with your needs.


Learning Is Key! Below are links to some training opportunities that are designed to help you achieve your business objectives.

Meet YOUR Chamber Team

Tonia Stephenson

President & CEO

Connect with Tonia today:


W – (828) 437-3021

Jenna Cole

Communications/Events Specialist

Connect with Jenna today:


W – (828) 437-3021

Morgan Shew

Information and Office Specialist 

Connect with Morgan today:


W – (828) 437-3021

Kary Greer

Member Relations & Events Specialist

Connect with Kary today:


W – (828) 437-3021

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
2020 Burke County Chamber of Commerce | All Rights Reserved