Tonia is a graduate of High Point University, with a double major of Business
Administration and Home Furnishings Marketing. She is a graduate of the U. S.
Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute at Villanova University and became a
Certified Chamber of Commerce Executive in 2014. She is a member of VEDIC
(Valdese Economic Development Investment Corporation) and CACCE (Carolinas
Association of Chamber Executives) Board of Directors. Tonia was named the Business
Woman of the Year from the High Point Chamber of Commerce, one of the 40 Leaders
Under 40 from The Business Journal, and was named the Member of the Year for the
Archdale/Trinity Chamber of Commerce, where she served on the Board of Directors for
six years.
Tonia is married to her best friend, David, and loves to spend time with him traveling for
long weekends. She also enjoys hiking trails, cross-stitching, and reading.
Connect with Tonia today:
W – (828) 437-3021