It’s our community’s premier program for identifying future leaders and equipping them with the information they need to Leadership Burke understand how Burke County works. Limited to 30 participants, Leadership Burke provides Chamber members a unique opportunity to recognize up-and-coming or new leaders in their company or organization with an exciting immersion experience into five of Burke County’s key sectors:

– Business, Manufacturing and Economic Development
– Healthcare and Human Services
– Education
– Arts, Culture and History
– City, County, State and Federal Government

Leadership Burke 2014 will begin on October 2-3 with an outstanding two-day orientation, leadership development and team building program led by Linda Lindsay that has been one of the highest rated activities by past participants. Subsequent sessions will combine classroom settings, guest speakers, panel discussions and extensive fields trips across the county for a firsthand look into what drives the economy, decision-making, learning, healthcare, the social safety net, culture and much more. The call for participants will be e-mailed to Chamber members today with a deadline for participant applications of Friday, September 26. Tuition for participants employed by Chamber members is the same as last year at $450. Tuition for non-Chamber members is $550. If you or a participant from your company would like to enroll, click here for the application form.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
2020 Burke County Chamber of Commerce | All Rights Reserved