Ever feel like you’re looking for new business leads in all the wrong places? Then you may want to check out a potential solution from your Burke Chamber.
The Chamber is in the process of organizing two Leads Groups where Chamber members who are not competing for the same customers can share leads for potential new business with each other. Chamber member Chad Burel from Edward Jones investment services is “leading” the project and working with the Chamber toward a September start-up. Current plans call for a Thursday lunch meeting called “Leads for Lunch” at Friday Friends restaurant from 12-1 pm and a morning session on Fridays called “Leads for Breakfast” at Abele’s Family Restaurant from 8-9 am.

If you are tasked with growing your business and are interested in participating in a Leads Group, there are some basics you need to know:
  • You or your company must be a member in good standing of the Burke Chamber.
  • Each Leads Group is limited to 25 members.Each member works in one of 25 business categories, and there will be no duplication of the category among the members.
  • Each member is required to bring three leads to each meeting.
  • Your company may participate in only one leads group.
  • Leads must not be shared with outside competitors
Look for more information soon, including a membership application and a brochure for the groups.
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