Guest Speaker ~ Ben Sugarwalla
Vice President, Territorial Sales for AIG
Up Close: Grace Ridge’s New Look
Friday, July 31
Breakfast Buffet Opens at 7:30 am
Program Starts at 8 am
The more you know about Social Security, the better you can make the most of your benefits. Join us for a very timely and practical program, whatever your age, You’ll also enjoy breakfast in Grace Ridge’s beautiful new dining room and take a firsthand look at the new lobby, theater, chapel, library and more at our area’s leading retirement community.
The more you know about Social Security, the better you can make the most of your benefits. Join us for a very timely and practical program, whatever your age, You’ll also enjoy breakfast in Grace Ridge’s beautiful new dining room and take a firsthand look at the new lobby, theater, chapel, library and more at our area’s leading retirement community.
Call the Chamber at 437-3021 to reserve your seats for this special summer Business for Breakfast. FREE for Burke Chamber Members.