Eight months ago, well-wishers gathered at the Stone Creek Equestrian Center to break ground on constructing a new covered riding arena. On May 18, staff and guests celebrated its completion with a morning ribbon-cutting. Besides recreational riding, the equestrian center is home to Ther-Equine, a non-profit program that brings healing therapy to people with physical, emotional or mental challenges through the use of horses in a unique and exciting approach to therapy. The new arena  is equipped with ramps so that riders can mount the horses or be assisted as needed. Fences and gates provide additional safety measures. In addtion to Therapeutic Riding led by certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors, Ther-Equine offers a “Stable Life,”

a holistic recovery model for those with mental, emotional, trauma, and substance use issues. Another program, “Hippotherapy,” is a physical, occupational, or speech therapy treatment strategy that utilizes the movement of the horse as part of an integrated treatment program. For more information on these programs,  volunteering, donating or to make an appointment for evaluation with Ther-Equine, call Wendy Bradshaw at 828-443-0272, email wendy@ther-equine.com or visit www.ther-equine.com.     Ther-Quine can also be found on Facebook.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
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