Burke County Public Schools has an exciting opportunity to apply for a three-year, $3-million grant called the Investing in Innovation Development Grant. The goal of the grant is to put an electronic tablet or laptop in the hands of every high school student in the school system. That’s roughly 3,250 high school students having the latest learning tools at their fingertips. In education circles, this is referred to as personalized education with 1:1 devices. Before BCPS would distribute the devices, teachers would need the latest training to aid students in using the portable computers to their fullest. The grant would include training for those who train the teachers — school instructional coaches, instructional technology facilitators and AIG coaches. The grant requires a 15-percent ($225,000) in-kind or cash match from various businesses in the community. BCPS is asking Chamber members to consider how their company may be able to help the school system attain that 15% mark. Suggestions include donations of equipment (such as 8 gig switches), employee time to help with training, space and machines on which to train, programs created for students to use their devices as learning tools, or financial support to actually purchase the hardware. The school system is also open to any suggestions members may have on how their company can help. Please contact Cheryl M. Shuffler, Public Relations Officer Burke County Public Schools, (w) 438-2989 | (c) 432-6216,cmshuffler@burke.k12.