Cornerstone Awards - TrademarkThe countdown is on to revealing who will win a 2014 Cornerstone Award. Sixteen companies are on this year’s A-list, nominated by other area businesses in three Cornerstone Award Categories. You’ll want to be among the in-crowd on Tuesday, May 20, at the Community House in Morganton from 530-7 pm when nominees and award-winners are celebrated. Besides the excitement of the award presentations, the menu will include heavy hors d oeuvres, great networking and socializing. Local wines and craft brews will be also available at the cash bar. Even though these are the hottest tickets in town, the price has been reduced this year to $30 from $40 to encourage everyone to join in the fun and honor our award recipients. Call the Chamber by Monday, May 19, at 5 pm to reserve your tickets as we celebrate success in business.

Cornerstone Awards Logo - SM

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
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