Open & Safe Playbook
The purpose of this document is to provide businesses with the best-known guidance to ensure consumer confidence and promote community health in the age of COVID-19. As North Carolina businesses prepare to open and resume operations, precautions, and policy suggestions outlined in this guide should be taken to protect employees and customers. The recommendations in each category support the overall goal of opening businesses in a way that protects employees and customers from exposure to COVID-19 and helps prevent the spread of the virus.
As circumstances and understanding of COVID-19 evolve, so will public health and safety recommendations and requirements. As a result, this document may not include all current governmental or health expert requirements and recommendations. We strongly advise that before implementing any of the practices and procedures contained herein, you carefully evaluate all and consult with your own legal counsel and other advisors regarding the legality, applicability, and potential efficacy of this information in your place of business and to determine what, if any, other recommendations or requirements may apply to your business.
As North Carolina’s restaurants, hotels, attractions and businesses reopen after the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, Count On Me NC is a mutual pledge and public health initiative that empowers guests and businesses to help keep everyone safe and protected. Count On Me NC is a joint effort created by government and health officials in partnership with industry leaders from across the state. Take your pledge today:
Disclaimer: Some or all the information contained in this document may not be applicable to some businesses or places of work and may not include all information necessary for certain businesses and places of work. This document does not attempt to address health, safety, and other workplace requirements in place prior to COVID-19. The organizations producing this document bear no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of or related to, the adoption, or decision not to adopt, any of the practices or procedures contained in this guide.
Back-To-Business Toolkit- Phase 1Download
Open & Safe Playbook – Phase 2Download