With the 19th Annual Chamber Golf Classic, presented by Carolinas HealthCare system Blue Ridge,  just fiveGolf Classic Logo - CMYK weeks away, the field of golfers is nearly full, so here’s your pre-tourney check list:

 Sign up to be a hole sponsor. Sponsorship is just $175. Your company or organization’s name will be displayed at the hole, and you’ll have the opportunity to man the hole with information about your company’s products or services.

 Sign up to play. Only a few slots remain in the field of 96 golfers, and they’ll be gone long before the September 15 deadline, so don’t delay in signing up. The individual entry fee is $85, but you can save by entering a twosome for $145 or a foursome for $315.
Donate a door prize in your company’s name and be part of our amazing raffle.

To be a hole sponsor, play in the Classic or donate a door prize, contact Stacey Ripley at the Chamber at 437-3021 or sripley@burkecounty.org.

The 2014 Chamber Golf Classic will be held at the Silver Creek Golf Club on Thursday, September 25. The format will be Captain’s choice. Lunch will be available during the warmup starting at 11:30 am, with a Shotgun Start at 1:00 pm. The “19th Hole” reception will start at 5:00 pm in the clubhouse with skill prizes and door prizes awarded to the winners.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 110 East Meeting Street, Morganton, NC 28655
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